MCPS Begins Move-In!
Interior of Building
First floor classrooms have been final cleaned and waxed. Work has started this week on the ground floor rooms.
MCPS Staff are now moving into the admin and health suite areas.
MCPS is currently moving furniture into classrooms.
Casework continues throughout the second, first, and ground floors.
VCT and wood flooring are being installed on ground floor.
Decorative Rails are being installed at Stairs A & B.
Exterior of Building
Curb and gutter work nears completion in the front of the building, allowing the paver to start paving. Asphalt Paving to start Friday behind the building.
Work for the parking structure has begun, the building pad has been put to grade. Foundations and Footers are ready to start.
The surplus of dirt in the rear of the building is being removed.
Site sidewalks around the exterior continue to be poured.
Tennis Court Foundations to start in the next few weeks.
Fencing to continue around the building.
Exterior Rails are being installed at Loading Dock area.
Will start cutting in new entrances at Old Georgetown Road.